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BRRC Races
Race Series: To promote and reward consistency in running in a variety of distances throughout the year, selected racing events are designated for this motivating competition. Only current BRRC members are eligible to participate. See Race Series for all the details.

Chilly Chili 5K
The BRRC Chilly Chili 5k is held at the Spokane County Moran Prairie Grange. BRRC has put together an out and back 5K course. Whether you run, walk or take refuge in the Grange, we will reward you for your efforts by hosting a Chili feed, an Awards Ceremony and a Dance. The starting/finish line will be in the parking lot of the Moran Prairie Grange. In the Grange you will have the comfort of a heated facility, Chili, Cinnamon rolls and hot/cold drinks during the awards presentation.

Partners in Pain: A unique 5K run held on the second Sunday in February. Team up with a partner. Your combined ages determine your age-group. Competitive teams eligible for age-group awards. Individuals and non-competitive teams are invited to participate. Awards also given to the top male and female individual winners. Show your dedication to running by participating in this mid-winter event. Post-race prize drawings with great donated prizes are held.

St. Paddy's Five: A five mile run on the March Sunday closest to St. Patricks day.  This is a qualifier for the Bloomsday second seeding, so a lot of speedsters show up along with those dressed up in the costumes and the green colors of St. Patrick's day. Post-race prize drawings with great donated prizes are held.

Recycle Run: A 4-mile run held at the end of April on the Fish Lake Trail. Bring no-longer-needed running apparel and shoes for "recycling" to those in need. Trophies and safety pins are also accepted. Winners receive refurbished trophies and ribbons. This is a good way to show your support of the recycling effort.

4th of July Fun Run: Start at the Moran Prarie School for a challenging 5 mile run. 8am on the 4th of July. Donations accepted.

The Half-Fast Ultimate Runner: There is no other running event like this. This IS the ULTIMATE. It is fun for the runners and a great way for volunteers to learn some of the basics of timing runs and how to work a stop watch and chronomix. Each runner must do all the events to finish and be eligible for awards. 5k, 400 meters, 100 meters, a mile, and a 10k.

Sundae Sunday 10 Miler: The second Sunday morning in September, starting at Dwight Merkel . The course has been a tradition, heading out Northwest Blvd., down the hill going by Downriver Golf Course, through Riverside State Park, to Francis and back to the start at Dwight Merkel. Ben and Jerry's ice cream sundaes await the finishers and the volunteers. This is another great opportunity to help keep a quality running event in existence--there are many volunteer opportunities here.

Colbert Autumn Classic: This is truly a classic event. 13.1 miles of hills and dales, on paved and gravel roads in the Green Bluff area where the pumpkins are turning orange. There is a special division for anyone who cares to enter- Healthy but Heavier for men over 200 lbs and women over 150 lbs. Sweatshirts and apples for finishers. Colbert Half Map 2016.pdf

Spokane Marathon, Half Marathon and Five-Mile Run: The marathon and half marathon are challenging (hilly) runs that begin and end at Riverfront Park. The five-mile runs is run mainly on the Centennial Trail. The runs are held in mid-October. Be prepared for almost any kind of weather. Volunteers are always needed and welcome.

Turkey Trot: A real holiday tradition. 9am on Thanksgiving Day at the Manito Duck Pond. 5 miles more or less. There will be a fun run even in minus degree weather, even if it’s raining or snowing the run will go on! Donations of money and canned goods for the Spokane Food Bank are collected. Volunteers are needed to help get the food items to the food bank.

The Cross Country Series: Experience running in its original form. There are 5 runs in this special group. All are low-key fun events in the fall and they are part of the BRRC Race Series. Run at Audubon Park, 7 Mile, Mead, and Qualchan. Donations for the BRRC Scholarship Fund are accepted.
